Later in the day she had to have a blood transfusion. This is where they basically find out what blood type Haley is and find a match. The blood is then attached to her port in her chest and is pumped through her body using the IV. As we were all watching a movie Haley noticed that her lymph Nodes were starting to shrink. It was a funny moment for all of us because Haley once named all the lymph nodes she could feel, and her smallest one she named Frodo. So in the middle of the movie she says, “Frodo is gone.” We all look at her and laugh. But then she tells us that her lymph node is gone. Also the huge one on the back of her head has gone down. We all take this as a very good sign that the treatment may already be taking affect. But nothing is set in stone.
LOVE THIS Picture and the puppy!! :)