Leaving comments

  Leaving comments on Blogs is what makes blogs interactive. Just like facebook, if no one ever posted anything on your facebook wall or accepted you friend requests, facebook might not be all that fun. Many people want to leave comments and everyone wants to read them, so if your here, leave a comment. There are many who have posed questions about how to comment on Haley's blog because they have never done it before. Follow these steps and it is quite simple.

1. Click the comment(s) link that is at the bottom of each and every post.

2. Type your message, and you know what they say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all :)

3. Just choose Name from the drop down menu and type your name.

4. Last you will be taken back to your comment where, to prevent SPAM comments, you will have to re-type some letters that a small box will ask you to type. Once you type those letters, Submit your Comment and wallah, your comment is sent.


  1. I'm thankful you put this together for Haley and her family. I check it every day to see how she is doing. We're all thinking about her and praying for her.

  2. blog has been adjusted toreceive comments from anyone whether signed in or not. Looks like it works.
