A Different Kind of Induction

"Keep your heart open to dreams, For as long as there's a dream there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living!”

Haley has been officially inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Make a Wish Foundation.  About two weeks ago, Haley received a beautifully wrapped box in the mail with a antique skeleton key inside and a little princess tiara . . . so cute.  Inside was a note from the Make a Wish Foundation inviting her to join their staff at the Murray location so they could meet her.  What a beautiful building.  I am told each room inside is designed by children.  We were greeted by a staff of people appointed to making Haley's Wish come true. I can only imagine the look on these small children's faces as they enter this building . . . it is truly magical.  Accompanying Haley to the Wish Center was Mom, Dad, Kayla, Tyler, Aysia Jerzi, Jessica, Darianne and Grandma LuAnn.    Haley was to write down her wish on the wishing card and place it into the time capsule in the Wishing Room.  The Wish Room is a beautiful blue glass room with a giant waterfall in the background and a large time capsule in the center of the room.  Only the wish kid's can unlock the door to this room with their skeleton key.  We all wrote down our wishes for Haley and read them before she placed her wish card into the time capsule. I cried when I heard Haley's younger siblings read their wishes for her to get better and live a long and happy life with her prince charming :) small children are so sweet!  How blessed I feel to have been apart of such a wonderful organization that gives hope and comfort to families going through very difficult times.  What an amazing experience. . . . Stay tuned to see if Haley's wish comes true . . . .


  1. How does the program work? Do they have a drawing to choose whose wish comes true?

    1. Hi Amber, Thanks for commenting here! All children that have life threatening diseases are eligible. I think that Haley's social worker/counselor gave her name to Make a Wish. sooo amazing :)
      Tami King

  2. hailey!!!! im so happy for you(: i hope your wish really comes true. imiss you tons, you're such an amazing person and i cant wait for you to come back to school and be back in the volleyball family(:
