Month Four

It has been over three months now since Haley was diagnosed with A.L.L.  We are getting the key terms down and are pretty familiar with the process of things including weekly clinic visits that consist of usually a blood transfusion, chemo treatment plus a spinal tap.  These weekly visit have pretty much dominated our Fridays for the last two months.  We had a bit of a scare last weekend.  Haley’s little sister Aysia, was diagnosed with Strep Throat. Trying to keep a five-year-old secluded from Haley and the family and keep a mask on her when she is not, was quite an ordeal.  Two days after Aysia was diagnosed, Haley started to get feverish and was not feeling well at all... at three in the morning when her fever started to rise, we had keep a close watch over her the rest of the night checking her temperature often.  By mid-afternoon the following day with no signs that she would fight this fever on her own, we packed for an inpatient stay at Primary’s.  Best Friend/Sister and Life Saver of all Dare Bear was there to keep Haley company at Primary’s.  Yay! Dari you are the absolute best . . . /cry cry. 

I would have to say that we have handled all that has been thrown at us quite well but I (mom) experienced my first panic attack on Friday terrified that Haley had caught Strep or pneumonia which is running rapid at Hayden Peak where all of her siblings attend . . . ugh.  Luckily her fever was a result of dehydration and quickly came down at Primary’s after Tylenol and fluids (so only a three-day stay . . . yay again). 

The next 8-week-block will consist of 4 four-day inpatient treatments every other week including a 24-hour IV treatment.  Side effects include more mouth sores which Haley is not looking forward to.. ugh... hope she doesn’t lose more weight she is holding at 94 lbs. We are told lots and lots of popsicles help to keep the mouth cold to restrict the blood vessels keeping less IV treatment from entering the mouth.  That’s the theory so that’s what we shall do.. Stay tuned. 

1 comment:

  1. What a scare! I'm sure having her immune system so weak during sick season causes stress in and of itself! We're thinking of you and hoping this next phase goes okay.
